DC power Industrial Dial-up Modem

The D-Series is an industrial dial-up 56 Kbps V.90 modem. The modem can be powered with an external wall mount power supply, or can be powered by a 12, 24, or -48 volt dc supply.

  • Metal enclosure, stand alone or rack mounting
  • Industrial temperature rating (-30 to +70C)
  • Two-wire dial-up modem
  • 56 K (V.90) modem
  • DB-25 serial asynchronous interface
  • LEDs for Power, TxD, RxD, DTR, DCD
  • Ideal for remote data collection applications, SCADA, back-up links, and remote controls.
  • Powered by 9,12,24,-48 VDC, or 120/240 VAC (external wall mount AC supply standard)

The D-Series is an industrial dial-up 56 Kbps V.90 modem. The modem can be powered with an external wall mount power supply, or can be powered by a 12, 24, or -48 volt dc supply. A rack front is available for the metal case, so it can be easily rack mounted with one, two or three modems per 1U rack height.

Applications for the D-Series modems include those industrial strength applications where a rack mounting is required. a metal enclosure is required, or where the power source available is DC, rather than an AC wall outlet. It is ideal for telco installation, SCADA remote sites, or ISP POP locations.

These are not repackaged consumer grade modems. Designed from the ground up for our industrial customers, they are also more reliable on marginal phone lines than commonly used "retail store" modems.




Rear View of D Series Modem

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How to Order

Part #

D-V.90 V.90 Modem (V.90) 12VDC and wall transformer
D-Series Special Power Supply Options at an extra cost
Rack-1 1U Rack Mount Bezel 19" only $15.00
Rack-3 1U 3-unit Rack Mount 19" only $75.00
Call Optional Power Supplies in place of standard 120 Vac power supply

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