Telenetics Line Powered

The HA2400LP is designed for those applications where no external source of power is available. The HideAway derives its power from two isolated sources:

Power from the RS232 interface (TXD, RTS & DTR) activates the HideAway's RS232 drivers, the AT Command set controller and the optical relay that picks up the telephone line; Power from the telephone line then activates the data pump and ancillary telephone line components

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HideAway HA2400LP

Line/Pin Powered


Telenetics' unique line powered modem, HA240OLP, is designed for those applications which require lowest level of power consumption. In most of those cases, user prefers to avoid an external power supply. External batteries, which may be regarded as a solution, are not dependable and have to be constantly monitored and changed. HideAway is Telenetics' solution for those applications.

HideAway is uniquely designed to adapt to a wide range of applications in the commercial and industrial environments. Current users include manufacturers of equipment which require remote diagnostics and maintenance. They include utility and telephone companies, test and diagnostic equipment and PBX manufacturers, who require remote access to their equipment for maintenance and data acquisition.

HideAway is also used by companies providing special services and equipment such as energy management and security services. HideAway could be installed in an energy management unit, enabling it to report energy consumption of a remote site to a host.

Since the HideAway is a full duplex two way modem, it may receive or initiate a call. Despite its miniature size of 2.2" x 3" x .83" and its weight of less than 2.3 ounces, HideAway is as powerful as larger desktop modems. Neither the size nor the low current requirements, effects the superb performance of this unique device.

HideAway is fully Hays compatible. It complies with CCITT standards V22bis and V22 as well as Bell 103 and Bell 212A protocols. HideAway is a smart, rate adaptable modem that adjusts itself to the data rate of the corresponding modem.

The heart of the HideAway's circuit is its power "scavenger" that derives power from two isolated sources: the telephone line and the RS-232 pins.


NOTE 1 - It is essential, that the RS232 connection to your HA2400LP provides TD, RTS & DTR signals from which the HA2400 can draw its initial operating power, and that the unit is connected to a dial-up, not leased, telephone line.

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